Claim Your Voice


Rev. Dr. Michelle Oberwise Lacock is certified by the International Coach Foundation. Her unique background as a clinical supervisor adds depth to her awareness of group functioning. She is available to coach pastors, chaplains, and other faith leaders, as well as ministry teams.

Rev. Carol Lakota Eastin coaches Native American Ministry Teams and Pastors in the areas of church revitalization and new ministry development. The founding pastor of Dayspring United Methodist Church in East Peoria, Illinois, Carol brings her experience as a Native American church planter in a urban context, creating a contextually relevant ministry.

Carol is a trained S.A.S. Coach. She can assist congregations as they move through the phases of developing a Simplified Accounting Structure. By simplifying structure, churches can increase their missional effectiveness as more persons serve out their spiritual giftedness. 

"Coaching helps people discover the insights that are in themselves, to hear their own authentic voice, and to claim that." - Michelle Oberwise Lacock

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